(Applicable for the school semester of June/2023)

1. Tuition Discount Policy
A. Application fees
In February & March, 2023:
- Enjoy 100% application fee discount (and a health consultation with Vietnam’s leading nutritionists and screening tests).
In April, 2023:
- Enjoy 50% application fee discount (and a health consultation with Vietnam’s leading nutritionists and assessment tests) when registering for one student;
- Enjoy 100% application fee discount (and a health consultation with Vietnam’s leading nutritionists and assessment tests) when registering for every group of three students.
B. Tuition fees
- A 10% discount of tuition fees for student that completes admissions before April 30, 2023 (Applicable for termly and yearly fee installment);
- Group discount: A 15% discount of tuition fees for any group of three students’that complete admissions before April 30, 2023 (Applicable for termly and yearly fee installment);
- Sibling discount: families with more than one biological child learning at MerryStar will enjoy a 5% discount granted to the second child onwards;
(To enjoy this promotion, parents need to submit a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate as proof of sibling relationship when making the fee payment.)
- Discount is also applied for biological children of official teachers, staff and employees of CEO Vietnam Holding Group according to internal rules and regulations.
* Note: If any discount applies, an applicant is entitled to only the highest one (Multiple offers cannot be applied at the same time).
2. Other promotions
Gift policy: 01 cute MerryStar Kindergarten-branded backpack will be given to students after any completed admission before April 30, 2022.
3. Time and condition
- Time for the preferential policy: from 01/2/2023 – 30/4/2023
- Conditions: Full tuition fee payment according to the provisions of the Fees and Financial Regulations for the 2023 – 2024 school year.
- Regulations on the order of simultaneous application of promotion and discounts: according to Section II of the Fees and Financial Regulations for the 2023-2024 school year.