Science Council

Every child was born a ‘life wonder’. They deserve to grow up in an educational environment which is full of love and happiness. This belief pushed our dedicated educators to establish MerryStar Bilingual Kindergarten. We want to build and develop an educational environment that follows international standards, and where children will grow with balanced development of Body, Heart and Mind from their first years of life.

MerryStar’s Science Council is proudly home to leading international and local experts in the fields of Education, Nutrition and Physical Development for kindergarten children:


  • Mr. Nguyen Phung Chau: General Director
  • Ms. Bui Thanh Anh: Quality control Manager
  • Ms. Zoe Brachet: Principal
  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu: Education Program Manager


  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha: Founder, Chairwoman of the board of directors, Kindergarten specialist
  • Mr. Ngo Minh Tuan: Founder, Vice chairman of the board of directors; Education Program Adviser

With decades of experience in leadership at the most prestigious early childhood education systems and organizations in Vietnam and around the world, MerryStar’s strategic educators have researched pioneering education philosophies and methods for taking care of and nurturing children in advanced countries around the world. This is a strong foundation for MerryStar’s operation and education quality management to achieve the best results and create the best learning environment for children.

Meet our Science Council’s specialists!

Founder | Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Early Childhood Education Specialist
Former Director of the Vinschool Education System’s Northern Region Kindergarten Division (Vingroup)


Founder | Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Education Program Adviser

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CEO Viet Nam Holding Group


Founder | General Director

Education Specialist

Principal - Merrystar Bilingual Kindergarten

Former Director of Early Years Education Program, Vinschool Education System (Vingroup)

Founder | Quality control Manager

Former Principal of Vinschool Education System’s Kindergarten (Vingroup)


Education Program Manager

Former Head Teacher of English Language Department of Vinschool Education System (Vingroup)


Nutrition Specialist

Head of the National Institution of Nutrition’s Department of School and Occupational Nutrition.

M.A Nguyen Thi Ha is Vietnam’s leading expert in early childhood education. She has had more than 15 years of directly organizing, operating and managing more than 10,000 kindergarten children from 22 campuses nationwide.

M.A Nguyen Thi Ha has been in charge of key positions at various educational institutions in cities and provinces throughout since 2011. She is a founder of the Hai Phong’s Hai Ba Trung inter-level school, a former principal of various kindergartens and a former Director of the Vinschool Education System’s Northern Region Kindergarten Division.

She was Vietnamese representative participant in the Leadership Schools program in Moscow, Russia. In eight years working with the Vingroup, she won many prestigious titles such as Vinschool Education System’s Excellent Internal Lecturer, Advanced Leader and Excellent Leader.

Besides her managerial experience, she pays particular attention to and spends time on research. She has experienced and studied local and international education models from Israel, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore and the US. She took part in the EARCOS (East Asia Regional Council of Schools) forums, a range of training courses for principals and educational leaders including those organized by New Zealand’s University of Waikato and the Singapore’s National Institute of Education (NIE).

As for domestic research, with her knowledge and experience, she has contributed to this field in Vietnam with many national kindergarten education projects such as:

  • Member of the Editorial Board, responsible for building the new Kindergarten Educational Program, developed by the Ministry of Education & Training in 2022;
  • Member of Manual Documents Appraisal Council, enforcing the Kindergarten Education Program, English Kindergarten Program held annually by the Ministry of Education & Training;
  • Helped build annual training materials and professional capacity enhancement training for managers and teachers by the Ministry of Education & Training;
  • Discussed in meeting sessions with the National Council for Education and Human Resource Development of Early Childhood Education Department.

She is the pioneer founder and leader in the development of the MerryStar’s education philosophy of “Thân – Tâm – Tuệ” at preschool level in Vietnam.

The “Thân – Tâm – Tuệ” philosophy is believed to create the best educational environment for balanced development in children from first years at school:

Taking care of children to make sure they are physically healthy and energetic (“Thân”); Educating children to have a loving heart and know how to show their love (“Tâm”); Opening children’s worldview to be limitless (“Tuệ”). Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ha is also the founder of leading companies in STEM and Robotics in Vietnam.

Founder | Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Early Childhood Education Specialist

Former Director of the Vinschool Education System’s Northern Region Kindergarten Division (Vingroup)

Bà Nguyễn Thị Hà là chuyên gia hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực giáo dục mầm non tại Việt Nam với hơn 15 năm kinh nghiệm tổ chức, điều hành và quản lý trực tiếp hơn 10,000 học sinh mầm non tại 22 cơ sở giáo dục trên toàn quốc.

Từ năm 2011 đến nay, Bà Nguyễn Thị Hà liên tục đảm nhận các vị trí quan trọng trong các hệ thống giáo dục lớn tại nhiều tỉnh, thành trên cả nước bao gồm thành viên sáng lập của hệ thống trường Phổ thông nhiều cấp Hai Bà Trưng – Hải Phòng, và Hiệu trưởng các trường mầm non, và sau đó là Giám đốc Khối Mầm non miền Bắc của Hệ thống Giáo dục Vinschool. Bà cũng từng là đại diện của Việt Nam tham dự chương trình Leadership Schools tại Moscow – Liên bang Nga và trong suốt 8 năm làm việc tại tập đoàn Vingroup, bà liên tục dành nhiều danh hiệu cao quý như Giảng viên nội bộ xuất sắc của hệ thống giáo dục Vinschool; Cán bộ lãnh đạo tiên tiến và Cán bộ lãnh đạo xuất sắc của Tập đoàn Vingroup. 

Bên cạnh công việc điều hành và quản lý, Bà Nguyễn Thị Hà cũng đặc biệt quan tâm và dành nhiều thời gian, tâm sức để nghiên cứu, trải nghiệm và học tập các mô hình giáo dục trong nước và quốc tế như mô hình giáo dục Israel, Phần Lan, giáo dục New Zealand, giáo dục Mỹ, Singapore…, tham gia diễn đàn giáo dục EARCOS (East Asia Regional Council of Schools), tham gia nhiều khoá Đào tạo Hiệu trưởng trong & ngoài nước như khoá Đào tạo Hiệu trưởng của Trường Đại học Waikato – New Zealand, các khoá đào tạo lãnh đạo giáo dục của Học viện Giáo dục Quốc gia Singapore (NIE)…

Đối với các hoạt động nghiên cứu trong nước, với kiến thức và bề dày kinh nghiệm của mình, Bà cũng vinh dự đóng góp trong lĩnh vực này tại Việt Nam với nhiều dự án giáo dục mầm non mang tầm vóc quốc gia như:

  • Tham gia Ban biên soạn xây dựng chương trình Giáo dục mầm non mới do Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo triển khai năm 2022;
  • Tham gia các Hội đồng thẩm định Tài liệu hướng dẫn, thực hiện Chương trình GDMN, Chương trình Tiếng Anh mầm non do Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo tổ chức hàng năm;
  • Tham gia xây dựng tài liệu bồi dưỡng và tập huấn nâng cao năng lực chuyên môn cho cán bộ quản lí và giáo viên mầm non hàng năm của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo;
  • Tham gia đóng góp các tham luận trong phiên họp của Hội đồng Quốc gia giáo dục và phát triển nhân lực của Tiểu ban Giáo dục Mầm non.

Bà Nguyễn Thị Hà là nhà sáng lập, dẫn dắt và tiên phong phát triển triết lý giáo dục Thân – Tâm – Tuệ ngay từ bậc học mầm non tại Việt Nam, kiến tạo môi trường giáo dục mầm non tốt nhất cho trẻ phát triển cân bằng ngay từ đầu đời: Chăm sóc nuôi dưỡng trẻ có một cơ thể khoẻ mạnh, tràn đầy năng lượng (Thân), một trái tim biết yêu thương và lan toả yêu thương (Tâm), khai phóng thế giới quan không giới hạn (Tuệ). Bên cạnh đó, bà Nguyễn Thị Hà còn là nhà sáng lập các công ty dẫn đầu về STEM và Robotics tại Việt Nam.

Nhà sáng lập | Chủ tịch HĐQT
Chuyên gia về giáo dục Mầm non

Nguyên Giám đốc Khối Mầm non miền Bắc, Hệ thống Giáo dục Vinschool (Vingroup)

Mr. Ngo Minh Tuan is an experienced adviser in general education and has played key role in various educational institutes in Việt Nam past such as Vice Principal of Information Technology 4 Vocational School, Principal of Vinashin Group’s Thai Bình Information Technology Vocational School, Standing Deputy Head of School Youth Committee of the Party Committee of State-owned Enterprises section, Gia Dinh Textile and Garment Corporation’s Standing Vice Principal of Ben Thanh Vocational School, CEO of Nguyen Trai University (Ha Đong campus), the first national practical university, and General Director of Bachkhoa-Aptech, the leading training, human resource and IT product supplier in Vietnam.

Currently, Tuấn is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CEO Vietnam Holding Group that covers various areas including education. The multi-industry corporation has a chain of companies across Việt Nam.

He is Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of MerryStar Bilingual Kindergarten System and adviser to our education program.

Mr. NgO Minh TuAn

Founder | Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Education Program Adviser

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CEO Việt Nam Holding Group

M.A Nguyen Phung Chau is an expert in education with experience in managing positions in a range of educational systems in Vietnam. He is the former lead of Vinschool Education System’s Admissions and Customer Care Section of the Vingroup.

He won Advanced Leader and Excellent Leader titles during his eight years at Vinschool.

He has had a passion and been enthusiastic for education since he was student. He graduated from the National Academy of Education Management’s Master of Education Administration in 2014 with excellence.

During his time at study and work, he dreams of creating a good educational environment, full of love and happiness for children.

Having his passion for education together with a “father of big heart”, he wants to give his best for his children, Chau sets a vision for an educational environment where children are taken care of body (“Thân”), soul (“Tâm”) and mind development (“Tuệ”). Later on, these little citizens will spread/extend happiness to families and to society.

Chau and educators who share the same passion and will have established MerryStar BilingualKindergarten System. They believe that the kindergarten with the “Thân – Tâm – Tuệ” educational philosophy is to make an ideal development for children.

M.A Nguyen Phung Chau is the General Director of MerryStar Bilingual Kindergarten System. Mr. Nguyen Phung Chau is also the Co-founder of leading companies in STEM and Robotics in Vietnam.


Founder | General Director
Education Specialist

Former Lead of Vinschool Education System’s Admissions and Customer Care Section (Vingroup)

Ms. Zoe Brachet, Master of Early Years Education – a leading language expert in developing English programs for early years, officially assuming the position of Principal at MerryStar Kindergarten from June 2024.

Educational Background:

  • Master of Early Years Education – Moreland University | Washington DC, WA
  • Bachelor of Child Psychology – Jean Jaures University | Toulouse

Ms. Zoe Brachet has nearly 20 years of experience working in the field of Early Years Education at leading bilingual and international education systems in Vietnam. She has been systematically and deeply trained in Child Psychology and Early Years Education at prestigious universities worldwide. Ms. Zoe Brachet has held important leadership positions such as: Expert in training International Early Years Education Programs and Child Psychology in the United States, Canada, and Vietnam; Director of Early Years Education Programs at large-scale education systems in Hanoi.

With her qualifications and extensive experience, she directly develops, transfers, and implements advanced early years education programs and methods: International Preschool Curriculum (IPC) and ESL English Program to Cambridge standards for over 15,000 preschool students nationwide. Throughout her career, Ms. Zoe Brachet has also devoted much dedication to researching projects in Child Psychology and developing in-depth English language skills for preschoolers in Vietnam.

With the philosophy that “Every child born is a miracle of life, deserving to grow up in an educational environment full of love and happiness,” in her new journey at MerryStar Kindergarten, Ms. Zoe Brachet is expected to actively accompany the School Leadership in implementing the Cambridge Early Years International Preschool Program, continuously improving the quality of care and education for children, contributing to building a cohesive, happy, and humane educational community.


Principal - Merrystar Bilingual Kindergarten

Former Director of Early Childhood Program, Vinschool Education System (Vingroup)

M.A Bui Thanh Anh had a Master’s degree in Education Management and has worked in early childhood education for 22 years. She was leader and manager in various education institutes in Việt Nam.

She is a former professional manager of public national-standard kindergartens. She was a specialist of the Education Department and a former principal at Vinschool Education System’s kindergartens (Vingroup).

Apart from knowledge and professional experience collected in her years of working, Anh keeps searching; updating and selecting world’s advanced educational methods to find the best one that helps children in their individual development.

Anh also guides and trains teachers to improve their quality and skills for nurturing future happy generations of children.

“Guiding children to the world with a loving soul, a strong physique, confidence and creative thinking” has been Anh’s goal in her educational career in her various positions in education.

M.A Bui Thanh Anh is a co-founder and the Quality control Manager of the MerryStar Bilingual Kindergarten System. Ms. Nguyen Thanh Anh is also the Co-founder of leading companies in STEM and Robotics in Vietnam.

Founder | Quality control Manager
Early Childhood Education Specialist

Former Principal of Vinschool Education System’s Kindergarten (Vingroup)

Nguyen Thi Thu got a B.A degree in English language with excellent result from the Ha Noi University of Science and Technology in 2013. She has five years teaching English for kindergarten children, training teachers of English for kindergarten children and compiling ESL program.

After graduation, Nguyen Thi Thu worked as a lecturer, interpreter and director assistant… but a pleasant surprise made she turn to be a kindergarten teacher. It was a love at first sight when she saw children and teachers during her visit to Vinschool Kindergarten in Royal City in 2016.

Eyes of boys and girls and an interesting interview with real educators made Nguyen Thi Thu decide to be a teacher of English for kindergarten children.

In her five years working at two largest kindergarten campuses of the Vinschool Education System (Vingroup), Nguyen Thi Thu received honored titles such as Advanced teacher, Excellent teacher, and Advanced leader for Head teacher of English language department. These are awards recognizing her strong effort, love and contribution for the development of Early Childhood Education.

In May, 2021, Nguyen Thi Thu took a certificate of Certified IPC Trainer, an important international certification which is highly appreciated in the world including Viet Nam.

Nguyen Thi Thu does not want to standstill. She strives to study to break her own limits because she believes that knowledge and skills that she has collected would be useful for herself, her students, their parents and the community.

Nguyen Thi Thu hopes that at whatever position she is in she will be a woman who sows the seeds. Seeds of knowledge, skills and nice characters which will be carefully selected, nurtured and taken care so that one day they grow and develop strongly on the children’s soul, mind and emotion.

Nguyen Thi Thu is Education Program Manager at MerryStar Kindergarten. Nguyen Thi Thu is also the Educational Program Advisor at companies in STEM and Robotics in Vietnam.


Education Program Manager

Former Head Teacher of English Language Department of Vinschool Education System (Vingroup)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thi Nhung graduated from Hanoi Medical University in 1996, earning her Master’s and Doctorate degrees at the Tokushima University in Japan.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thi Nhung is currently Head of the National Institution of Nutrition’s Department of School and Occupational Nutrition. She has more than 25 years of experience in researching, teaching, consulting and community communication on nutrition. Her works include school nutrition; nutrition for different age groups and working professionals; nutrition solutions and measures to prevent and control micronutrient deficiency, overweight, obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders…

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thi Nhung is guest lecturer of department of nutrition at national universities such as Hanoi Medical University, Nam Dinh University of Nursing, Thang Long University, Hanoi University of Public Healthy, Hai Duong Medical Technical University and Japan’s Jumonji University.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thi Nhung pays much attention and devotes her labor to school nutrition and nutrition for children. She is considered Vietnam’s leading nutritionist based on a strong foundation in this field. She has conducted national-standard research and projects on school nutrition in Vietnam. She has participated in:

  • Professional consulting and designing balanced nutrition menu software in a school meals project for primary school students in 63 cities and provinces conducted by the Ministry of Education and Training;
  • Developing a standard diet for kindergarten and primary school students; coordinating with departments and administration of the Ministry of Health on assessing and building school nutrition policies;
  • Professional consulting, building solutions and measures on nutrition intervention such as how to organize school meals, menus and nutrition education programs for pilot schools of Project 41 in 10 cities and provinces.
  • Developing Ministry of Education and Training’s annual training programs to improve professional skills for preschool managers and teachers; 
  • Building and finalizing recommendations and guidelines such as Recommendation on School Meals, Recommendation on the Use of Milk and Dairy Products for Vietnamese, Nutrition Pyramids guideline for school children and documents for school meal project…

At MerryStar Kindergarten, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thi Nhung takes charge of consulting our school nutrition regime; cooperating with parents to personalize children’s nutrition to help them develop in both physique and mind, and having a healthy immune system in the golden age period.


Nutrition Specialist

Head of the National Institution of Nutrition’s Department of School and Occupational Nutrition.